Se endeudó por más de 10 mil dólares para presumir lujos en Instagram.

Sueña con ser estrella de Instagram pero se endeuda por miles de pesos


Muchas persona estarían dispuestas a hacer lo que sea con tal de alcanzar la fama y miles de seguidores en Instagram, inclusive endeudarse con miles de dólares para cumplir con su objetivo.

Ese es el precio que tuvo que pagar Lissette Calveiro, una joven de 26 años residente de Florida, Estados Unidos con tal de presumir una vida llena de lujo, viajes, ropa costosa y comidas en los mejores restaurantes, a sus más de 12 mil seguidores en Instagram.

Se endeudó por más de 10 mil dólares para presumir lujos en Instagram.

Calveiro se endeudó por más de 10 mil dólares con tarjetas de crédito pagando viajes a Marruecos, México y algunos países del Caribe y todo lo que pudiera hacer para llamar la atención en redes sociales.

Winter, who? ☀️

Una publicación compartida de Lissette Calveiro (@lissettecalv) el

I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY: For a handful of months, I’ve felt very uninspired to curate my feed and felt that many things I’ve been putting out are bland, inauthentic and have little meaning. I started to try to create more meaning for myself by expanded in what I say per post and committing to at least 1 blog post a month. But the reality is, that’s a bandaid solution. I have been so wrapped up in this “influencer” space from both the front and back end that I started to camouflage into a sea of sameness. “Take a picture of me here because I’m wearing a cool outfit, and this wall is pretty.” I used to post photos of people, things and experiences I cared about and moved to more “me in this pose” photos when I started getting more “likes” on those. This platform isn’t about LIKES, it’s about CONNECTIONS. It’s about sharing nuggets of your life because you want to inspire others to discover, because you want to indulge in things others have helped you discover, and giving people the space to be creative with content (whether it’s a selfie or damn avocado toast). I feel like I’ve hit a turning point and I promise to be more authentic and truly hone in on the real value I can bring to all of you and stop posting content just for the sake of posting content. It doesn’t mean I won’t stop posting photos of myself — I have so much fun playing around with personal style and the beautiful city I live in — but you can rest assured that I’m posting something because that moment was truly special to me, and it ~may~ bring value to you. Be yourself, love yourself and never stop growing. ——————————————————————————— Always happy to continue this dialogue via DM and keep this community growing. Lots of love to everyone that always shows the upmost support. ✨And, a shout out to @songofstyle because this perspective shift came after watching your interview with @evachen212. Keep keeping on, power girls!

Una publicación compartida de Lissette Calveiro (@lissettecalv) el

La chica señaló que se sentía presionada por hacer un viaje mensual para presumir a sus seguidores de una vida lujosa, además de que vivía «más allá de sus medios».

«Estaba viviendo una mentira, la deuda estaba pendiendo sobre mi cabeza» indicó la joven en la entrevista que le realizó el periódico New York Post