Esta chica decidió no ser más la burla del salón y así luce ahora
Su nombre es Meghan Gilbert y es un gran ejemplo para las mujeres que sufren sobrepeso y sobre todo para las que también sufren bullying y a pesar de eso no tienen una motivación para cambiar su aspecto.
Meghan es una joven de 21 años que sufrio bullying escolar por su sobrepeso, aguantando malos comentarios y apodos denigrantes como “gorda”, “muslos de trueno” apodos que la llevaron a ponerse en acción.
Esta chica comía cantidades exageradas de comida para curara su depresión y ansiedad sin darse cuenta que estaba haciéndole daño a su cuerpo.
Un dia decidio contratar un entrenador personal y cambiar sus hábitos alimenticios y asi poco a poco los resultados fueron evidentes.
The girl on the left was 200 lbs of depression, anxiety, and sin. I was addicted to drugs and I partied every night. I woke up in the morning wanting to forget that I had to wake up this morning.. my life was just..sad. I hated every part of my body and being until I took one too many pills and sipped one too many drinks, waking up after 36 hours of straight sleep. Well, could be longer. When I woke up from my overdose, I saw my tattoo «walk by faith not by sight» and that’s when I knew I wasn’t doing life right. The Bible PREACHES LOVE! That’s Jesus’s commandment. So that’s where I started. I loved myself. I loved the gym. I loved the hardship. I loved the pain and soreness. I loved the people around me. And most of all, I loved God. When you first start to lift weights and someone pushes you to go harder, most the time you say no I can’t do that much! But then you try, and you get one Rep out. You think you can’t do it, but in reality you can. It hurts. You build muscle by tearing it down… Same thing goes in life. You gain strength through hardship. You will always have gloomy times in your life, and what matters most is your mindset. Saying no, I can’t do it and not trying. Or saying yes, I can do it. I will try. I won’t give up, no matter how hard it is or how much it hurts. I trust You, God. After the pain and trials, you end up stronger. I started at a 5lb dumbell, and now I’m lifting a 25lb. It hurt when I first lifted that 5.. so bad. But I kept on going. To 10. It hurt. To 15. It hurt. The same goes for life. Trials are like God’s gym. Building you up to prepare for what is to come next. ❤️ 80 lbs downs plus a gained mindset of strength and endurance. Clean for 2 years and one month 😊😊😊😊😊🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Una publicación compartida de Meghan Gilbert (@megsmotivationn) el 9 de May de 2017 a la(s) 12:37 PDT
Ahora es una modelo fitness y comparte sus resultados en Instagram donde ayuda e inspira a otras personas para mejorar su salud.
Cuenta con más de 48 mil seguidores que les muestra su pasado y el cambio radical que elle decidió hacer.
¡Como es más que evidente, el querer es poder!